Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Things have been going well! Kota is sleeping a lot more during the night and staying awake during the day. He has his moments though where he gets his times mixed up, which is okay. He's already a month old! It's so hard to believe that it's already been a month since he's been here!! It seems like just yesterday we were in the hospital! He had his one month check up yesterday and he's doing great! He weighs 10 pounds and is 22 inches long. :)

I put in a few applications at tanning salons. I could really use the extra money! Being broke all the time really sucks. I'd prefer a part-time job, so I could still spend most of my time with the little guy. I'd rather raise my little man myself than have someone do it for me.

Pictures of the cutie!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Oh, sleepless nights...

Dakota just can't seem to get a good sleeping pattern going on. He'll sleep good one night and be up all day, which is good. But then one day he'll be up all night and all day, then sleep all night, and all day, then up all night and AHHH!!! I can't keep up. Just when I think i'll get some sleep, he thinks otherwise lol! I try to sleep when he sleeps but sometimes that just doesn't happen because I have things to do during the day. *sigh* I love my little man though. :)
We figured out how to tilt the seat of his swing back so its in a laying down position instead of a sitting up one. He likes it better now! :-D He slept in it all last night (it wasn't swinging of course). The swinging put him to sleep, but then we turned it off so he wouldn't be swinging all night.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

He's here!


Sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER! Dakota made his grand appearance via c-section on June 8th. Since then I have been SUPER busy! After the surgery we stayed at the hospital for 4 days. Everything was fine, that's just "standard" after a c-section. He weighed 7 lb 2 oz and was 19 inches long. He looks just like his daddy!! :-D He even has Mason's big blue eyes. :)
On Monday, the 8th, I went in for my last prenatal check up and my blood pressure was extremely high. So I was sent down to Triage. From there, they sent me to labor and delivery to go ahead and induce labor. They started the Pitocin around 1pm and by 9:30pm-ish I hadn't dilated any more than I was when I first came to the hospital. My blood pressure was going up even more, so the doc said a c-section would be the best option. It's not what I wanted, but the labor wasn't progressing at all, and we had to get the little one out of there. I've never had any kind of surgery in my life, so I was pretty scared. They had given me an epidural a few hours into my labor when my contractions picked up, but it wasn't working well. Not well enough to keep me pain-free during the surgery. So they took that out and put a spinal block in. It took about 30-45 minutes to get everything ready for the surgery. Then they let Mason come back in to sit next to me behind the big white curtain they put up (so we couldn't see them cutting me open lol). Let me tell you, once they started, it was the strangest feeling EVER. It didn't hurt, but I could feel the first cut they made, I could feel them moving things around. All kinds of pressure and pulling. It was soooooo weird! The surgery itself only took about 20 minutes. Towards the end I heard the doctor say "Now look to your right. In about 5 seconds you'll be looking at your baby boy!" Then he came around the curtain carrying our little man. :) He was really quiet till the nurse took a picture (using our camera) and I guess the flash started him because he started crying and screaming like crazy! I started crying too. :) They cleaned him and wraped him up and brough him over for me to hold. I know all mommy's say this about their babies, but HE WAS THE CUTEST THING IN THE WORLD!!!!!! The nurse took our first family photo:

I love that picture! We're going to get a nice big print of it to hang in our hallway where we have a few other pics of us (wedding pics and other 'events' lol).

Other pics:

In his carseat, ready to leave the hospital to go home! He looks so tiny!!
Lots of hair!! :)
So he's two weeks old now. He's such a good baby! He sleeps *most* of the time at night, of course he has his 'off nights' where he's up the whole time, but thats okay! He's sleeping right now and its almost 1 in the afternoon lol! He has a check up at the pediatrician on Wednesday, I can't wait to see how big he is now! To me it feels like he hasn't gained any weight, but thats probably because I carry him around all the time.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Found a pediatrician!

I've been putting off finding a pediatrician. I had a horrible time finding an OBGYN that I liked, and I really didn't want to go through something like that again. But since I only have 8 days (!!!!) till Dakota's arrival, I figured I should get my butt in gear.
My mom and I went to this pedi right down the road. We figured since the office was close to home, it's the obvious first stop of the day. The receptionist was super helpful! I really liked how the office looked and how professional everyone I talked to was. They accepted my insurance and would be at the hospital when I delivered. So I set up my first 'prenatal pediatrician' appointment for this Friday! :-D Of course if I find that I don't like this guy for some reason, I can always change Dr's. But going by first impressions, i'm happy with the choice I made.
I figured this would be an all day adventure, but it only took about a half hour. So now i'm back at home, with nothing to do.

Ho hum...

Monday, June 1, 2009

La Te Da...

Only 9 days to go till Dakota is evicted from his comfy home in my belly. :) I can't believe the days are flying by so fast!! I'm kind of excited for my next Dr's appointment on Thursday. I have so many questions to ask, I just have to remember to write them down so I wont forget once I get there!
Today I went a refille my script of blood pressure meds. Then wandered around the mall for about an hour. Had Micky D's for lunch. Now i'm back home, farting around on the computer. :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Appointment update

Well, this appointment was pretty uneventful. No changes to my cervix or anything. I was hoping I was dilated a little more, but nope, no changes. Poo. My Strep B results came back negative, which is good. My next appointment is on Thursday with the doctor who will be delivering the baby. This is my last appointment before the induction! I can't believe that in 12 days I will officially be a mommy!! :-D

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Eviction notice!

Well, my little man has finally been served his eviction notice! The Dr called today and told me I was on the schedule to be induced on June 10th!! That's 13 days away!!!!!!!!! It feels so good to have an offical date and know that i'm penciled in to be induced. Ahh.... hopefully these next 12 days will fly by! I'm sooooo ready to hold my baby and be a mommy! Mason is excited and ready to be a daddy too!!! :-D
Now that we have an official date set, it feels like we have so much left to do to get ready for his arrival! As soon as I got off the phone with Dr Baker I threw a bunch of baby stuff (blankets, onsies, bibs) into the washer and I started organizing some of the baby stuff we just had laying around.

Man, oh man....13 days......whew....

*in shock*

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